Simone Di Somma Simone Di Somma

GPT-performance #AI model to your pocket 📱

Economic Resiliency 2024 and the impact of AI

Microsoft just unveiled a language model that rivals the capabilities of giants model such as GPT3.5 and Mixtral, but with a twist – it's small enough to run locally on your phone. 🤯 paper in the comment 👇

Why is this a game-changer?

Privacy: Phi-3 eliminates the need for constant cloud connectivity. This also opens doors for privacy-focused AI applications Cost: By reducing reliance on cloud computing resources, businesses can significantly lower operational costs associated Offline: Imagine AI-powered applications that work seamlessly even without internet access. Phi-3 unlocks a new era of possibilities for mobile experiences.

How did they achieve this?

Microsoft researchers focused on data optimization rather than simply scaling up model size or data used for the training. By carefully curating and filtering training data, they achieved exceptional performance with a compact model size.